[Playbook + Case Study] How to Build a Media Brand for a Company

A guest post by Philip Ruffini, Head of Media at Rupa Health

How Rupa Health Became One of the Biggest Brands in Medicine

In October 2024, Rupa Health, a Series A+ startup, was successfully acquired by Fullscript, a multi-billion-dollar company.

One of the biggest reasons for the acquisition? Rupa built one of the most dominant brands in all of medicine—despite being a small startup.

We weren’t the biggest, and we weren’t a household name like Andrew Huberman. But as a healthcare startup, we systematically built the largest medical brand in the United States—by a company, for a company.

That’s why we used decentralized content authority to hit our ultimate North Star metric: building the largest medical brand in the world.

We didn’t just want to build up a social media page. We wanted to build a medical media empire.

*BONUS: Read to The End to Read about a YouTube Channel Growth Hack

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About Philip Ruffini: